Riga Freeport
In 2011-2012, in Riga Freeport, in partnership with company GTL we strengthened and renovated two industrial piers ZO1 and ZO2. We stabilized their columns and elongated the metallic sheet piling under the water by underwater concreting.
The challenges were to coordinate our work with the ship berthing regime, works went smoothly otherwise.
Liepaja, Karosta
In 2015 we were commissioned to thoroughly clean Liepāja city's Karosta channel of debris, including the potentially explosive and chemically dangerous objects. Karosta was constructed in 1890-1906 as a naval base for Russian tsar Aleksander III. Built on the bare coast it consists of a large man-made harbor including a large breakwater and inland submarine warren. It was used as military naval and submarine base during the Soviet occupation and after Latvia regained independence and Soviets had to remove themselves from Karosta in 1994, the port structures fell to ruin and the channel was even more soiled up.
The project was massive hence the 78 hectares of Karosta channel were split in 4 parts. Areally our part was almost a half of the whole project - 33 hectares of the central channel.
The challenges were: to coordinate the international team of 18 divers, to coordinate our work with the movement of the ships and that there was much more litter of different size than we planned for. Also, the bed of the channel was soiled heavily with heavy metal, oil remnants and a cocktail of chemical waste.
Total of 33 hectares cleaned up.
Total of 30 units of the dangerous explosives evacuated.
652 tons of metal and debris lifted and evacuated out of which 22 items were heavier than 5000 kilograms each.
3 objects of historical value recovered.
We're looking forward to more projects like this one,
high in adventure and discovery.